Hong Kong · 11 August - 8 September 2024

Rapha Women's 100 - Hong Kong 2024

Conquer a cycling landmark, find friendship, and build fitness with Rapha's annual global Women's 100 Ride



Here comes the best time of the year for woman riders to conquer the 100km ride in September. Have doubts on your fitness? Don't worry, there will be training rides led by our Rapha ride leaders to build up your fitness before the official 100k ride. Training Rides: - 60km / 11th Aug / https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47740639 - 80km / 1st Sep / https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47740560 Official Ride: - 100km / 8th Sep / https://ridewithgps.com/routes/47740306 Remarks: OPEN TO ALL! You don't need to be an RCC member to join or be an existing Rapha customer, anyone can take part, no purchase is necessary! All riders must abide by traffic rules and safe distancing guidelines at ALL TIMES! Participants agree to be bound by the Rapha Riding Guidelines in Terms and Conditions and the decision of Rapha Racing Limited is final and binding in all matters relating to this event. Rapha Racing Limited reserves the right to alter, amend or foreclose the rides and events without prior notice in the event that unforeseen circumstances make this unavoidable.


Kathy Lam

Kathy Lam

Kathy, our ride leader, was injured in her former athletics journey and switched to cycling. Ever since started cycling, she makes every early morning ride worthwhile with every sunrise, morning drizzle, and country vegetation fragrance she experiences. She wishes to show woman cyclists that they can be as strong as men. But equally she enjoys a food and coffee ride with fellow woman riders, for a laugh and friendship.





Rapha Women's 100 - Hong Kong 2024